Sept. 5, 2017
Dear Friends,
On Tuesday, the White House announced that Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA, would be phased out ending on March 5, 2018. DACA offers those who came to the U.S. before the age of 16, and who have been here for many years, the chance to be protected from deportation. These actions are cruel, un-American, and simply bad policy for all US residents.
We are angered by this decision, but we will NOT give into the fear and panic being orchestrated at this moment. Our hearts ache for all affected by this but we want you and your families to know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We want every DACA beneficiary to know that BIC, as well as an extensive network of statewide and national immigrant advocacy groups, and many fellow citizens, stand with you.
This is a marathon and not a sprint. For the next six months we will need everyone to join together to lobby Congress and the White House to pass legislation giving as many people as possible a reliable path to citizenship.
So what can you do now?
- Get informed;
- Get involved; and
- Take care of yourself
All community members should be educating themselves about this situation and passing on the information to others. To that end, we have compiled information below that will provide you with answers to many of your questions. There are links about policies impacting the lives of DACA grantees, (including drivers’ licenses, employment and travel abroad) as well as links showing you how to find and participate in upcoming events, rallies and actions.
Immigrants make America great, and DREAMers — young immigrants who have called America home for most of their lives — matter. Congress can and must fix this. But they need to hear from you — loud and clear. Tell Democrats and Republicans alike: Stand up for Dreamers now and support the bipartisan DREAM Act.
BIC will be updating our webpage with resources in the coming days and weeks. We are also planning a Know Your Rights workshop in Great Barrington in October and will be sending emails about all of our activities to clients or anyone requesting to be on our email list. In the meantime, DACA’s should read the many FAQs links below, stay strong and stay safe.
We thank you for enriching our communities and look forward to fighting alongside you.
In solidarity,
Brooke, Hilary, Jennifer, Janie, Sheryl, Ben, Lorena and Mary Jo
Resources on DACA:
Homeland Security’s Memorandum on DACA rescission:
Homeland Security’s FAQs on the Rescission of DACA:
Five things to know about Trump ending DACA:
Resource Guide: Defending Immigrant Youth post DACA
- information on the key policy issues impacting the lives of DACA grantees, including
drivers’ licenses, employment and travel abroad;
- upcoming events, rallies and actions to join the movement to prevent the deportation of
grantees; and
- mental health and other resources available to current grantees
Attend a DACA Action Near You:
Take Action; Ways to Fight Back:
Advisory on DACAs and employment:
Petition to pass the 2017 Dream Act:
How to Take Care of Your Mental Health:
News and Resources for Colleges serving undocumented students:
Massachusetts Organizations on DACA:
Resources and FAQs about the ending of DACA:
Call the US Congress About DACA:
Berkshire Immigrant Center
67 East Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201