4/29/20 newsletter

Dear Greylock Together,

It’s been too long since we’ve been together. This Sunday, join us for a meeting on Zoom.  It’ll be just like always, except you must provide your own cookies.  We’ll be meeting this Sunday from 3:00 to 4:00.  Find the link below (and we’ll put it on Facebook).

Also coming up is the next in our fundraiser events, and this one is pretty amazing!  We’ve had some academic discussion of politics during COVID-19, we’ve had some Trump impressions from a comedian, but this time we wrangled up some real live politicians.  Join us at 7:00 pm on May 14th as professor Jim Mahon and author Ali Benjamin host former Vermont governor Howard Dean and Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut!  The topic is “An Insider’s View to Flipping the Senate.”  If anyone’s going to know how to do that, it’ll be these guys.  Sen Murphy regularly ignites Twitter with his incisive criticisms of our incompetent president, and Gov Dean’s 50-state strategy was the plan that flipped Congress blue during the Bush years.  We’ve already raised $10,000 to flip the Senate and stop the flood of radical-right judges… let’s keep it rolling!  Watch for the invite, coming to a email near you!

Sunday Meeting.  We miss you all! Let’s get together in virtual community and share updates, resources, fundraising/event news, and member thoughts, concerns, and positive highlights to keep us fueled during this distance resistance. No matter how strange 2020 may be — we’re STILL in this Together — and November is the most consequential election of our shared lifetime. Join us and let’s chat!  All welcome! Join this Sunday from 3:00 to 4:00 pm by clicking the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2226761263 or via mobile at:+16465588656,,2226761263# US (New York)

Crane Paper Company.  Mohawk Paper is closing down the 220-year old Crane & Co., which will cost North Adams 300 jobs.  Should GT get involved or not?  Weigh in here.

Call Hinds.  Call or email Sen. Adam Hinds and ask him to please support SD 2918An Act Relative to Emergency Paid Sick Time, which would guarantee all workers at least ten additional paid workdays (80 hours) of job-protected paid sick time for immediate use during the COVID-19 outbreak or future public health emergencies. This emergency paid sick time would be in addition to any paid or unpaid time off already available.

Seeds!  Margot S. sends this amazing idea along:

Bridget S. generously donated many seeds to me for the seedling swap I do each year at St. John’s. In this current world, I’m not sure how that will look, but I am convinced that we all need to be trying to do our part for food security for ourselves, our neighborhoods and particularly folks on the margins. With that in mind, I would like to share this bounty with as many people as possible so we can till a bit of soil and grow some vegetables.

Here is a PDF with a list of the seeds available.  Email Bridget if you’re interested!

Morse for Congress.  Arlene K. sends along this appeal:

We can help elect a real progressive as our CD1 Rep. Alex Morse is looking for more volunteers to make “wellness” calls throughout the District. For more information, contact Logan Malik and join the Alex Morse for Congress Volunteers FB page!

Reminder: Signatures for Markey.  Senator Markey’s staffer sends along to say that COVID-19 has made it incredibly hard to gather signatures to qualify for the ballot.  Go to this link to get a paper sent to your house that you can sign and return.

Reminder: Local Food Producers.  Sarah B. sends along a link to Berkshire Grown which collects together local food producers, what they grow, and how you can get it.

Reminder: Food Resources.  The Northern Berkshire Community Coalition is collecting information about food resources throughout the area.  If you live up here and you’re food insecure, you should be checking their Facebook page daily.  Pittsfield and south county will find the Greylock Glass food resource map very useful, especially the calendar at the bottom, as well as the invaluable Berkshire Mutual Aid Facebook group.

Check out more news from this week at Muckraker Farm.

Events (GCal,iCal)

Greylock Together Meeting
May 3 @ 3:00 – 4:00 pm

GT Fundraiser:  An Insiders’ Scoop on Flipping the Senate: Who’s running, Why it matters—and What we can do to turn Washington Blue in November
May 14 @ 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Featuring special guests Governor Howard Dean (VT) and Senator Chris Murphy (CT)


Resist and persist!

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